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From Hey Kids Comics
- Michael Alan Nelson
- Michael Allred
- Michael Atiyeh
- Michael Atiyeh/Gallery
- Michael Avon Oeming
- Michael Babinski
- Michael Bair
- Michael Bennent
- Michael Broussard
- Michael Broussaro
- Michael Carlin
- Michael Catron
- Michael Chabon
- Michael Cho
- Michael Choi
- Michael Christian
- Michael D. Allred
- Michael DeForge
- Michael Dooney
- Michael Dougherty
- Michael Eury
- Michael Eve
- Michael Fleisher
- Michael France
- Michael Gallagher
- Michael Garcia
- Michael Gaydos
- Michael Gilbert
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- Michael Green
- Michael Heisler
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- Michael Higgins
- Michael Horwitz
- Michael Hoskin
- Michael James
- Michael Jan Friedman
- Michael Kanarek
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- Michael Kraiger
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- Michael L. Halblieb
- Michael LaCombe
- Michael Lark
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- Michael Moorcock
- Michael Nasser
- Michael Netzer
- Michael O'Connor
- Michael O'Hare
- Michael Pellowski
- Michael Ploog
- Michael Reaves
- Michael Ryan
- Michael Saenz
- Michael Short
- Michael Shoyket
- Michael Siglain
- Michael Siporin
- Michael Stewart
- Michael Suayan
- Michael T. Gilbert
- Michael Tuccinard
- Michael Turner
- Michael Turney
- Michael Uslan
- Michael Washington Lane
- Michael Wm. Kaluta
- Michael Worley
- Michael Wright
- Michael Zeck
- Michael Zulli
- Michael de Adder
- Michael del Mundo
- Michaelangelo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Vol 1
- Michaelangelo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Vol 1 1
- Michel Gagné
- Michel Gariepy
- Michel Lacombe
- Michel Rabagliati
- Michel Vaillant
- Michele Benevento
- Michele Benevento/Gallery
- Michele Bertilorenzi
- Michele Brand
- Michele Cropera
- Michele Cropera/Gallery
- Michele Masiero
- Michele Masiero/Gallery
- Michele Medda
- Michele Medda/Gallery
- Michele Wolfman
- Michelle Brand
- Michelle Carter (comics)
- Michelle Robinson
- Michelle Upchurch
- Michelle Wrightson
- Michigan
- Mick Anglo
- Mick Gray
- Mickey Mouse
- Mickey Mouse Adventures
- Mickey Mouse Vol 1
- Mickey Mouse and Friends (comic book)
- Mickey Mouse family
- Mickey Ritter
- Mictlantecuhtli (comics)
- Midge Klump
- Midnight (DC Comics)
- Midnight Tales
- Mighty Comics
- Mighty Crusaders
- Mighty Man (CrossGen)
- Mighty Man (Image Comics)
- Mighty Mutanimals
- Mighty Samson/Covers
- Mighty Samson Vol 1
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 1
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 10
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 11
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 12
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 13
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 14
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 15
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 16
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 17
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 18
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 19
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 2
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 20
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 21
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 22
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 23
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 24
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 25
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 26
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 27
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 28
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 29
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 3
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 30
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 31
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 32
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 4
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 5
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 6
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 7
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 8
- Mighty Samson Vol 1 9
- Miguel Angel Sepulveda
- Miguel Fernandez
- Miguel Ferrer
- Miguel Munera
- Miguel Quesada
- Mike Baron
- Mike Barr
- Mike Barreiro
- Mike Becker
- Mike Benson
- Mike Bowden
- Mike Butterworth
- Mike Carey
- Mike Carlin
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- Mike Choi
- Mike Clark
- Mike Collins
- Mike Cotton
- Mike DeCarlo
- Mike Del Mundo
- Mike Deodato Jr.
- Mike Docherty
- Mike Dringenberg
- Mike Esposito
- Mike Fichera
- Mike Friedrich
- Mike Friedrich/Gallery
- Mike Furth
- Mike Gagnon
- Mike Gallagher
- Mike Gersher
- Mike Getty
- Mike Grell
- Mike Gustovich
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- Mike Hawthorne
- Mike Hoffman
- Mike Jennings
- Mike Kanterovich
- Mike Kazaleh
- Mike Kunkel
- Mike Lackey
- Mike Lilly
- Mike Machlan
- Mike Manczarek
- Mike Maniccia
- Mike Manley
- Mike Marts
- Mike Mayhew
- Mike McKone
- Mike McMahon
- Mike Mellor
- Mike Mignola
- Mike Miller
- Mike Norton
- Mike O'Brien
- Mike O'Sullivan
- Mike Okamoto
- Mike Parobeck
- Mike Perkins
- Mike Ploog
- Mike Raicht
- Mike Robard
- Mike Rockwitz
- Mike Roy
- Mike Royer
- Mike S. Miller
- Mike Saenz
- Mike Schorr
- Mike Sekowsky
- Mike Sellers
- Mike Stevens
- Mike Thibodeaux
- Mike Thomas
- Mike Underwood
- Mike Vosburg
- Mike Vosburg/Gallery
- Mike W. Barr
- Mike Whitherby
- Mike Wieringo
- Mike Wieringo/Gallery
- Mike Witherby
- Mike Zeck
- Mikel Janin
- Mikos
- Milan
- Miles Gunter
- Miles Millar
- Milestone Media
- Millennium (comics)
- Millennium Edition (DC Comics)
- Millennium Publications
- Milly O' Naire and Penny Less
- Milo Manara
- Milo Manara/Gallery
- Milt Snapinn
- Milton Caniff
- Milton Caniff/Gallery
- Milx
- Mimi Gold
- Mindy Eisman
- Mindy Newell
- Mindy Owens
- Ming Doyle
- Minicomic
- Minimidget
- Minion (comics)
- Miniseries
- Minnesota
- Minnie Mouse
- Minnie the Minx
- Mino Milani
- Mino Milani/Gallery
- Minor characters in Meridian
- Minute-Man
- Miracleman
- Miracleman/Covers
- Miracleman Vol 1
- Miracleman Vol 1 1
- Miracleman Vol 1 10
- Miracleman Vol 1 11
- Miracleman Vol 1 12
- Miracleman Vol 1 13
- Miracleman Vol 1 14
- Miracleman Vol 1 15
- Miracleman Vol 1 16
- Miracleman Vol 1 2
- Miracleman Vol 1 3
- Miracleman Vol 1 4
- Miracleman Vol 1 5
- Miracleman Vol 1 6
- Miracleman Vol 1 7
- Miracleman Vol 1 8
- Miracleman Vol 1 9
- Mirage Studios
- Mirco Pierfederici
- Mirko Colak
- Mirko Perniola
- Mirko Perniola/Gallery
- Mischa Richter
- Miss America (DC Comics)
- Miss America (Marvel Comics)
- Miss Beazley
- Miss Grundy
- Miss Masque
- Miss Victory
- Missing Man
- Missouri
- Missouri O'Neill
- Mist (comics)
- Mister Element
- Mister Mind and the Monster Society of Evil
- Mister Miracle
- Mister Mxyzptlk
- Mister No
- Mister No Vol 1
- Mister No Vol 1 1
- Mister No Vol 1 2
- Mister No Vol 1 3
- Mister No Vol 1 4
- Mister No Vol 1 5
- Mister No Vol 1 6
- Mister No Vol 1 7
- Mister No Vol 1 8
- Mister No Vol 1 9
- Mister Terrific (Terry Sloane)
- Mister Terrific (comics)
- Mister U.S.
- Mister X (Vortex)
- Misty (comics)
- Mitch Breitweiser
- Mitch Brian
- Mitch Byrd
- Mitch Watson
- Miyako Kojima
- Mizuki Sakakibara
- Mo Gollub
- Mobile comic
- Mocker (comics)
- Mockingbird (DC Comics)
- Mockingbird (Marvel Comics)
- Modern Age of Comic Books
- Modern Madcaps
- Modesty Blaise
- Moebius
- Molecule (comics)
- Molly Crabapple
- Molly Lazer
- Mongal
- Mongul
- Monica Bennett
- Monica Kubina
- Monkeyshines Comics Vol 1
- Monster Fun
- Monster World Vol 1