Weird Science Vol 1 20

From Hey Kids Comics

Appearing in "The Loathsome!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Loathsome!"Edit

A doctor sends a deformed mutant child that was the product of her father's exposure to atomic radiation to be brought up in an orphanage. The women of the orphanage dislike her because she displays poor behavior. One day the younger nurse comments to the older one that the girl is behaving herself recently and the older nurse recalls that all children receive a birthday party at ten years old and the girl must figure she is going to get one. The young woman asks if she is going to give the child one and the older woman states that it would not be right to expect the other children to attend, so they will just skip it in the mutant girl's case. They discover that the girl was spying on them and when she returns to her room she smashes the mirror. She's punished, and that evening the younger nurse sees the girl on the grounds stuffing notes into tree hollows. She assumes that she must be up to no good and informs the older woman. The following evening they confront the child demanding the note and the girl flees from them. She climbs up a tree branch overhanging the orphanage's spiked wall and loses her grip. As the note slips from the hand of the dying impaled child, the older woman picks it up. It says "To whoever finds this note - I love you."

Appearing in "Surprise Package"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Surprise Package"Edit

Appearing in "The Reformers"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Reformers"Edit

  • Synopsis not yet written.

    Appearing in "50 Girls 50"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "50 Girls 50"Edit

A space colonist in charge of the suspended animation tubes of 100 colonists heading out to a star which will take over 100 years to reach has a scheme implanted into his head by one of the participants named Wendy. Wendy convinces him to revive the two of them earlier so that they can revive the others one at a time by enslaving them and ruling as king and queen. Once the twenty-six year old sets the machine to revive him early though, he comes up with an alternate plan. The director of the project has told him that the 50 men and 50 women were chosen by selecting perfect mates to be complementary. He doesn't believe this and assumes he will grow bored with Wendy eventually so he plans to spend a year with each of the women until he is seventy-six and refreeze each as he tires of them. The body can only stand one freeze and thaw process, so this will kill them, but he is unconcerned. He thaws Laura as a warm-up before Wendy and lives with her for a year, telling her a lie about a computer malfunction, and then reveals his murderous design as he uses a paralyzer gun on her to place her back in the tube. As she freezes once more, he fails to notice the tears frozen to her cheek. He thaws Wendy and she double-crosses him. She pulls a paralyzer gun on him and tells him she was just using him and is going to put him back and thaw the man she really loves. As he lay freezing in the tube, he smiles because Wendy is going to get a surprise when she learns that he has murdered all the men. His final thought as he dies is to wonder why he chose Laura over Wendy first.


  • No special notes.


  • The mutant girl in "The Loathsome!" was later used as the character model for Maggie in Marvels #2.
  • "The Loathsome!" is among a handful of comic book stories, along with the death of Jean Grey, that made me cry.

See Also[edit source]

  • None.

  • None.
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