StarCraft (comics)

From Hey Kids Comics

Cover of the first issue
Publication information
Publisher WildStorm Productions
Schedule Monthly
Publication date May 2009 onwards
Number of issues 7
Creative team
Creator(s) Blizzard Entertainment

StarCraft is a comic book series by Wildstorm, based upon Blizzard Entertainment's StarCraft video game. The series covers events prior to StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. It centers around a team of outlaws, the War Pigs, reunited by their former captain for one last job: the assassination of Jim Raynor!

In December 2009, WildStorm stated that the publication of StarCraft would end with Issue #7 and they would change the format to original graphic novels set to be released in 2010. (The comic was initially expected to last 12 issues.)

References[edit | edit source]

Category:StarCraft Category:Wildstorm Publications titles Category:Military science fiction comics Category:Comics based on video games Category:2009 comic debuts Category:Works based on Blizzard video games