The Beyond Vol 1 23
From Hey Kids Comics
Issue Details |
Original Price
Appearing in "In the Coils of the Python Queen"Edit
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "In the Coils of the Python Queen"Edit
- Synopsis not yet written.
Appearing in "The Unsleeping Dead"Edit
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "The Unsleeping Dead"Edit
A man develops a camera that, when trained upon the grave of a murdered person, films a ghost which identifies the murderer. His friend, an American Horror film producer, takes him down into the sewers in order to murder him and steal the camera. The producer makes a great deal of money with his movies, but eventually his victim's body makes it out of the sewer into the open sea where it is picked up by fisherman who see to it that it is buried in a cemetery. As fate would have it, the producer is looking for a cemetery to make his next film and he films the grave. The murdered man's ghost appears and pursues the murderer until he slips downs a manhole cover and finds himself set upon by rats, the same terrible death he inflicted upon the camera's inventor.
Appearing in "Talisman of the Evil Brood"Edit
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Talisman of the Evil Brood"Edit
- Synopsis not yet written.
Appearing in "Minion of the Bloody Horsemen"Edit
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Minion of the Bloody Horsemen"Edit
- Synopsis not yet written.
- "The Unsleeping Dead" is reprinted in Haunted Horror Vol 1 8.
- No trivia.
See Also[edit source]
- Discuss The Beyond Vol 1 23 on the forums
- Cover gallery for the The Beyond series
- Images from The Beyond Vol 1 23
Recommended ReadingEdit
- None.
Links and ReferencesEdit
- None.
- Comics
- Week 10, 2025
- 1953
- 1953, November
- Golden-Age
- Original Price 10c US
- The Beyond Vol 1
- Ace Magazines
- Lou Cameron/Penciler
- Release Date Needed
- Editor-in-Chief Credit Needed
- Cover Artist Credit Needed
- Editor Credit Needed
- Writer Credit Needed
- Penciler Credit Needed
- Inker Credit Needed
- Colourist Credit Needed
- Letterer Credit Needed
- Synopsis Needed
- Notes Written