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From Hey Kids Comics
- Thad Doria
- Thalarion
- Thanos Rising
- Tharg the Mighty
- That Wilkin Boy
- The 12½p Buytonic Boy
- The 99
- The Adult Legion
- The Adventures of Alan Ladd
- The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius
- The Adventures of Bob Hope
- The Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis
- The Adventures of Dick Cole
- The Adventures of Jodelle
- The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
- The Adventures of Nero
- The Adventures of Ook and Gluk: Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future
- The Adventures of Pussycat
- The Adventures of Smilin' Jack
- The Adventurous Uncle Scrooge McDuck Vol 1
- The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe Vol 1
- The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe Vol 1 1
- The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe Vol 1 2
- The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe Vol 1 3
- The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe Vol 1 4
- The American Way
- The Archies
- The Atomic Sub
- The Authority
- The Authority: The Lost Year
- The Avridge Farm
- The Baby Huey Show
- The Barker
- The Barker (comics)
- The Bash Street Kids
- The Bash Street Kids Annual
- The Batman (TV series)
- The Batman Adventures: Mad Love
- The Beano
- The Beano Annual
- The Beezer
- The Beezer Book
- The Better Half
- The Beyond/Covers
- The Beyond Vol 1
- The Beyond Vol 1 1
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- The Big Bang Theory
- The Big Country (comics)
- The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
- The Big One (comic)
- The Bimbo Book
- The Black Beetle (Dark Horse Comics)
- The Black Pearl (comics)
- The Books of Magic
- The Booze Hangs High
- The Boys (comics)
- The Brain (Bell comics)
- The Brave and the Bold
- The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee
- The Broons
- The Brothers Ciochetti
- The Brute
- The Brute/Covers
- The Brute Vol 1
- The Brute Vol 1 1
- The Brute Vol 1 2
- The Brute Vol 1 3
- The Bulldaggers
- The Bumpkin Billionaires
- The Centurions (TV series)
- The Checkered Demon
- The Chosen Family
- The Cisco Kid
- The Clarence Principle
- The Cloggies
- The Comet (UK comics)
- The Comet (comic magazine)
- The Comic Reader Vol 1
- The Comic Reader Vol 1 145
- The Comic Reader Vol 1 153
- The Comic Reader Vol 1 154
- The Comic Reader Vol 1 183
- The Comics Journal
- The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library
- The Complete Crumb Comics
- The Complete Peanuts
- The Crunch (comic)
- The Crypt-Keeper
- The Crypt-Keeper (1972 movie)
- The Crypt Keeper
- The Crypt Keeper (TV Show)
- The Culling (comics)
- The Curse (Angel comic)
- The DNAgents
- The Daltons (Lucky Luke)
- The Dandy
- The Dandy Annual
- The Dark Horse Book of...
- The Dark Knight Returns
- The Dark Phoenix Saga
- The Darkness (comics)
- The Death of Ferro Lad
- The Death of Superman
- The Desperate Dan Book
- The Dreamland Chronicles
- The Duck Family (Disney)
- The Duck Knight Returns
- The Duplex
- The Duplex Planet
- The Einstein Theory of Relativity
- The Etherington Brothers
- The Exaggerated Death of Ultra Boy
- The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
- The Face
- The Family Circus
- The Final Night
- The First/Covers
- The First (comics)
- The First Vol 1
- The First Vol 1 0
- The First Vol 1 1
- The First Vol 1 10
- The First Vol 1 11
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- The First Vol 1 30
- The First Vol 1 31
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- The First Vol 1 36
- The First Vol 1 37
- The First Vol 1 4
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- The First Vol 1 8
- The First Vol 1 9
- The Flash: Rebirth
- The Flash (2014 TV series)
- The Flash (comic book)
- The Flash Chronicles
- The Fly (Archie Comics)
- The Friendly Ghost
- The Full Monti Vol 1
- The Full Monti Vol 1 1
- The Funnies
- The Funnies/Covers
- The Funnies Vol 1
- The Funnies Vol 1 1
- The Funnies Vol 1 10
- The Funnies Vol 1 11
- The Funnies Vol 1 12
- The Funnies Vol 1 13
- The Funnies Vol 1 14
- The Funnies Vol 1 15
- The Funnies Vol 1 16
- The Funnies Vol 1 17
- The Funnies Vol 1 18
- The Funnies Vol 1 19
- The Funnies Vol 1 2
- The Funnies Vol 1 20
- The Funnies Vol 1 21
- The Funnies Vol 1 22
- The Funnies Vol 1 23
- The Funnies Vol 1 24
- The Funnies Vol 1 25
- The Funnies Vol 1 26
- The Funnies Vol 1 27
- The Funnies Vol 1 28
- The Funnies Vol 1 29
- The Funnies Vol 1 3
- The Funnies Vol 1 30
- The Funnies Vol 1 31
- The Funnies Vol 1 32
- The Funnies Vol 1 33
- The Funnies Vol 1 34
- The Funnies Vol 1 35
- The Funnies Vol 1 36
- The Funnies Vol 1 4
- The Funnies Vol 1 5
- The Funnies Vol 1 6
- The Funnies Vol 1 7
- The Funnies Vol 1 8
- The Funnies Vol 1 9
- The Ganzfeld
- The Ghostly Trio
- The Golden Age (comics)
- The Great Darkness Saga
- The Greatest Hero of Them All
- The Green Lantern Chronicles
- The Green Team (comics)
- The Hacker Files
- The Hand of Fate Vol 1
- The Harveytoons Show
- The Haunt of Fear
- The Hotspur
- The Hotspur Book for Boys
- The House of Dolmann
- The Hunter (comics)
- The Imp (character)
- The Intimates
- The Iron Corporal
- The Joker: Devil's Advocate
- The Justice Society Returns
- The Katzenjammer Kids
- The Keep (comics)
- The Kinema Comic
- The Kingdom (comics)
- The Last of the Greats
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume One
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
- The Leopard from Lime Street
- The Liberty Project
- The Life and Times of Savior 28
- The Life of Death Vol 1
- The Life of Death Vol 1 1
- The Lightning Saga
- The Little King
- The Lockhorns
- The Magic Comic
- The Maniaks
- The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves
- The March Hare Vol 1
- The Marvel Super Heroes
- The Maxx
- The Menomonee Falls Gazette
- The Menomonee Falls Guardian
- The Mice Squad
- The Mighty (comics)
- The Monarchy (comics)
- The Mysterious Traveler
- The New 52
- The New Casper Cartoon Show
- The Norm (comic strip)
- The Numskulls
- The OMAC Project
- The Old Witch
- The One (comics)
- The Other Coast
- The Pajama Diaries
- The Path (comics)
- The Pendulum
- The Phantom
- The Phantom Stranger
- The Photographer (comics)
- The Pirates of Coney Island
- The Pitt (Marvel Comics)
- The Pogostick
- The Possessed (comics)
- The Power of Shazam!
- The Pro (comics)
- The Programme (comics)
- The Puma Blues
- The Raspberry Ice Cream War
- The Ravagers (comics)
- The Reign of the Superman
- The Remaining Sunlight
- The Resistance (comics)
- The Revenant (comics)
- The Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire
- The Rocketeer
- The Rover (comics)
- The Sabertooth Vampire
- The Sacred Order of Saint Dumas
- The Saint
- The Salon (comics)
- The Scorpion
- The Secret History of the Authority: Hawksmoor
- The Secret Vol 1
- The Secret Vol 1 1
- The Secret Vol 1 2
- The Secret Vol 1 3
- The Secret Vol 1 4
- The Secret Vol 1 5
- The Secret Vol 1 6
- The Secret Vol 1 7
- The Secret Vol 1 8
- The Shade
- The Shield: Spotlight
- The Silent Three
- The Six Million Dollar Man
- The Skipper (comic)
- The Smasher
- The Sparky Book (annual)
- The Spirit
- The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper
- The Stand: Captain Trips
- The Suicide Six
- The Sunday Funnies
- The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure
- The Superman Family
- The Technopriests
- The Ten-Seconders