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From Hey Kids Comics
- Africa
- Agatha Crumm
- Agenzia Alfa Vol 1
- Ages of Apocalypse
- Agnes Garbowska
- Agop Gemdjian
- Agostin Comoto
- Agustin Mas
- Agustin Padilla
- Agustin Padilla/Gallery
- AiT/Planet Lar
- Air Fighters Classics Vol 1
- Air Wave
- Aircel
- Aircel Comics
- Airmaidens Special Vol 1
- Airman (comics)
- Akira Yoshida
- Akiyoshi Sakai
- Al Anders
- Al Avison
- Al Bare
- Al Barrionuevo
- Al Bigley
- Al Capp
- Al Capp/Gallery
- Al Carreno
- Al Eadeh
- Al Fagaly
- Al Fago
- Al Feldstein
- Al Gabriele
- Al Gordon
- Al Gordon/Gallery
- Al Gordon (1950s)
- Al Hartley
- Al Harvey
- Al Hewetson
- Al Hewetson/Gallery
- Al Jaffee
- Al Kurzrok
- Al Liederman
- Al Luster
- Al McWilliams
- Al Milgrom
- Al Milgrom/Gallery
- Al Plastino
- Al Plastino/Gallery
- Al Rio
- Al Sanchez
- Al Septien
- Al Sjoerdama
- Al Sjoerdsma
- Al Stahl
- Al Sulman
- Al Taliaferro
- Al Vey
- Al Wenzel
- Al Williamson
- Alabaster Redzone
- Alac Justice
- Alan Burnett
- Alan Caldwell
- Alan Cowsill
- Alan Davis
- Alan Edward Kupperberg
- Alan Evans
- Alan Fine
- Alan Gold
- Alan Gordon
- Alan Grant
- Alan Jacobsen
- Alan Kupperberg
- Alan L. Light
- Alan McKenzie
- Alan Moore
- Alan O'Keefe
- Alan Rowlands
- Alan Scott
- Alan Tam
- Alan Weiss
- Alan Willow
- Alan Zelenetz
- Alarico Gattia
- Alarico Gattia/Gallery
- Alarming Adventures Vol 1
- Alarming Adventures Vol 1 1
- Alarming Adventures Vol 1 2
- Alarming Adventures Vol 1 3
- Alarming Tales/Covers
- Alarming Tales Vol 1
- Alarming Tales Vol 1 1
- Alarming Tales Vol 1 2
- Alarming Tales Vol 1 3
- Alarming Tales Vol 1 4
- Alarming Tales Vol 1 5
- Alarming Tales Vol 1 6
- Albedo Vol 1
- Albedo Vol 1 0
- Albert Calleros
- Albert Chartier
- Albert DeGuzman
- Albert Deschesne
- Albert Nuetzell
- Alberto Breccia
- Alberto Breccia/Gallery
- Alberto Giolitti
- Alberto Giolitti/Gallery
- Alberto Ongaro
- Alberto Ongaro/Gallery
- Alberto Ostini
- Alberto Ostini/Gallery
- Alberto Ponticelli
- Alberto Pujolar
- Alberto Saichann
- Albion (comics)
- Albéric Bourgeois
- Aldebaran (comics)
- Alden McWilliams
- Aldo Capitanio
- Aldo Capitanio/Gallery
- Aldo Di Gennaro
- Aldo Di Gennaro/Gallery
- Aldolpho Buylla
- Aldoma
- Ale Garza
- Alec Siegel
- Alecos Papadatos
- Alecos Papadatos/Gallery
- Alejandro Arbona
- Alejandro Garza
- Alejandro Sicat
- Aleksa Gajic
- Aleksi Briclot
- Ales Kot
- Alessandro Baggi
- Alessandro Baggi/Gallery
- Alessandro Biffignandi
- Alessandro Biffignandi/Gallery
- Alessandro Bignamini
- Alessandro Bignamini/Gallery
- Alessandro Bilotta
- Alessandro Bilotta/Gallery
- Alessandro Bocci
- Alessandro Bocci/Gallery
- Alessandro Borroni
- Alessandro Borroni/Gallery
- Alessandro Nespolino
- Alessandro Nespolino/Gallery
- Alessandro Pastrovicchio
- Alessandro Pastrovicchio/Gallery
- Alessandro Poli
- Alessandro Poli/Gallery
- Alessandro Scibilia
- Alessandro Scibilia/Gallery
- Alessandro Vitti
- Alessandro Vitti/Gallery
- Alessio Fortunato
- Alessio Fortunato/Gallery
- Alex Akerbladh
- Alex Bialy
- Alex Blum
- Alex Fellows
- Alex Garner
- Alex Horley
- Alex Horley/Gallery
- Alex Jay
- Alex Kotzky
- Alex Kurtzman
- Alex Leon
- Alex Lovy
- Alex Maleev
- Alex Maleev/Gallery
- Alex Massacci
- Alex Nino
- Alex Niño
- Alex Niño/Gallery
- Alex Robinson
- Alex Ross
- Alex Saviuk
- Alex Schomburg
- Alex Sheikman
- Alex Silva
- Alex Simmons
- Alex Sinclair
- Alex Starbuck
- Alex Toth
- Alex Trimpe
- Alex Zalben
- Alexander C. Irvine
- Alexander Irvine
- Alexander Jubran
- Alexander Luthor, Jr.
- Alexander Matthews
- Alexander Morrissey
- Alexander Serra
- Alexander Toth
- Alexei Luthor (Earth-Two)
- Alf Tupper
- Alfonso Azpiri
- Alfonso DeLeon
- Alfonso Font
- Alfonso Greene
- Alfred Bester
- Alfred Gough
- Alfred Harmsworth
- Alfred Harvey
- Alfred Harvey's Black Cat
- Alfred Harvey's Black Cat/Covers
- Alfred Harvey's Black Cat Vol 1
- Alfred Harvey's Black Cat Vol 1 1
- Alfred Leete
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alfred Ramirez
- Alfredo Alcala
- Alfredo Castelli
- Alfredo Castelli/Gallery
- Alfredo P. Alcala
- Alias Enterprises
- Alice Cooper
- Alice Dark Vol 1
- Alice on Deadlines
- Alice the Goon
- Alien Ducklings Vol 1
- Alien Ducklings Vol 1 1
- Alien Ducklings Vol 1 2
- Alien Ducklings Vol 1 3
- Alien Ducklings Vol 1 4
- Alien Worlds
- Alien Worlds/Covers
- Alien Worlds (TPB)/Covers
- Alien Worlds (TPB) Vol 1
- Alien Worlds (TPB) Vol 1 1
- Alien Worlds 3-D/Covers
- Alien Worlds 3-D Vol 1
- Alien Worlds 3-D Vol 1 1
- Alien Worlds Vol 1
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 1
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 2
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 3
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 4
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 5
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 6
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 7
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 8
- Alien Worlds Vol 1 9
- Alien Worlds Vol 2
- Alien Worlds Vol 2 1
- Alina Urusov
- Alisande Morales
- Alitha Martinez
- All-American Comics
- All-American Publications
- All-Flash
- All-New Comics/Covers
- All-New Comics Vol 1
- All-New Comics Vol 1 1
- All-New Comics Vol 1 10
- All-New Comics Vol 1 11
- All-New Comics Vol 1 12
- All-New Comics Vol 1 13
- All-New Comics Vol 1 14
- All-New Comics Vol 1 15
- All-New Comics Vol 1 2
- All-New Comics Vol 1 3
- All-New Comics Vol 1 4
- All-New Comics Vol 1 5
- All-New Comics Vol 1 6
- All-New Comics Vol 1 7
- All-New Comics Vol 1 8
- All-New Comics Vol 1 9
- All-New Comics Vol 2
- All-New Comics Vol 2 1
- All-New Short Story Comics Vol 1
- All-Star Squadron
- All-Star Western
- All Love/Covers
- All Love Vol 1
- All Love Vol 1 26
- All Love Vol 1 27
- All Love Vol 1 28
- All Love Vol 1 29
- All Love Vol 1 30
- All Love Vol 1 31
- All Love Vol 1 32
- All New Comics Vol 1
- All New Comics Vol 1 2
- All New Comics Vol 2 1
- All Romances/Covers
- All Romances Vol 1
- All Romances Vol 1 1
- All Romances Vol 1 2
- All Romances Vol 1 3
- All Romances Vol 1 4
- All Romances Vol 1 6
- All Star Comics
- All True Romance Vol 1
- All True Romance Vol 2
- Allan Heinberg
- Allan Jacobsen
- Allan Jefferson
- Allan Kämpe
- Allan Morley
- Allegra (comics)
- Allen Anderson
- Allen Bellman
- Allen Hardy
- Allen Helbig
- Allen Jamison
- Allen Jefferson
- Allen Nunis
- Allen Simon
- Allen Ulmer
- Ally Sloper
- Allyn Brodsky
- Alpha (Lombard)
- Alpha Track/Covers
- Alpha Track Vol 1
- Alpha Track Vol 1 1
- Alphonse and Gaston
- Alter Ego/Covers
- Alter Ego (fanzine)
- Alter Ego (magazine)
- Alter Ego Vol 1
- Alter Ego Vol 1 1
- Alter Ego Vol 1 2
- Alter Ego Vol 1 3
- Alter Ego Vol 1 4
- Alternate universes in Archie Comics
- Alternative Comics (publisher)
- Alternative comics
- Alternative versions of Lex Luthor
- Alternative versions of Supergirl
- Alternative versions of Superman
- Altwaal
- Altwaals Weapons
- Aluir Almancino
- Aluir Amancio
- Alvaro Lopez
- Alvin
- Alvin Hollingsworth
- Alvin Lee
- Alvin Sargent
- Alvin Schwartz
- Alvin and the Chipmunks/Covers