L'Omino Bufo

From Hey Kids Comics

L'Omino Bufo
Creative team
Creator(s) Alfredo Castelli

L'Omino Bufo is an Italian comic strip created by Alfredo Castelli.

Background[edit | edit source]

The comics started in 1972 and it was first published by the comics magazine Il Corriere dei Ragazzi.[1] According his author, it was created to "fill a space in the magazine that had been left empty for a technical error".[2] It is the only comics in which Castelli is also artist, with the pseudonym "pittore di santini".[3] After that the Corriere dei Ragazzi (later Corriere Dei Piccoli) ceased its publications, the comic strip was published in Cattivik.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Gianni Bono. Guida al fumetto italiano. Epierre, 2003. 
  2. Alfredo Castelli. L'omino bufo. 33 anni per niente!. Coniglio Editore, 2006. 
  3. Davide Barzi. Le regine del terrore. BD, 2007.