J.K. Woodward
From Hey Kids Comics

Personal History
Born in an undisclosed location somewhere in the Northeast United States, J.K. wasted little time in becoming the kid your mother warned you about. This was due to a strong rebellious streak combined with an intense work ethic which meant that he gave 110% to being his own person AND a pain in the ass! This personality mix made a rote life as a drone in a cubicle an impossible career choice and left him with one of two choices:
Become a rock star. Become an artist.
Since the only talent he had for music was a decent taste in it, he decieded to become an artist that dressed like a rock star and moved to Los Angeles. These were dark yet fruitful years where he experimented with style and developed techniques that he uses to this day. Eventually the City of Angels lost its appeal and , seeking a change in life, climate and creative energy he followed the examples set by one of his heroes (David Bowie) and moved to Germany. Despite the presence of (or more likely because of) strong German beer, J.K. veered into self-publishing with a comic comprised of his expressionistic paitings titled Flesh Angels and followed with a comedy comic series titled These Things Happen - comprised of random funny stories, a talk show host who doesn't talk off the clock, and emus.
For some reason after that he moved to Desert Hot Springs, California, which has the dubious honor of most abandoned washing machines in the western hemisphere. He collaborated with A. David Lewis on the indie comic Mortal Coils and Michael Colbert on the Digital Webbing Presents series Crazy Mary where he still does covers and promises to do another full story. IDW noticed his work on Crazy Mary and offered him a gig doing a CSI:NY limited series and he followed in short order with a standout story in BOOM! Studios' Zombie Tales series. When Peter David was re-launching his owner created series Fallen Angel at IDW, James was a natural choice for Peter's dark world of macic, violence and redemption.
His painted work eventually caught the attention of Marvel editor, Mike Marts who chose him to illustrate X-men Origins:The Beast which was released September 2008.
He currently resides in Long Beach and still illustrates Peter David's Fallen Angel monthly for IDW asa well as various covers for IDW and BOOM! Studios.
Professional History
- J.K. Woodward/Penciler
- J.K. Woodward/Inker
- J.K. Woodward/Cover Artist
- J.K. Woodward/Colourist
- J.K. Woodward/Cover Artist Images
December 2011: | Crazy Mary Vol. 1 Graphic Novel - Cover (01 Publishing) |
December 2008: | Fallen Angel #33 (IDW) Star Trek: The New Generation #3 - Cover (IDW) |
November 2008: | Fallen Angel #32 (IDW)
Necronomicon #4 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) Fall of Cthulhu: God Wars #2 - Cover (Boom! Studios) Star Trek: The New Generation #2 - Cover (IDW) |
October 2008: | Fallen Angel #31 (IDW)
Necronomicon #3 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) Fall of Cthulhu: God Wars #1 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) Star Trek: The New Generation #1 - Cover (IDW) The Rising #2 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) |
September 2008: | Fallen Angel #30 (IDW)
Necronomicon #2 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) X-Men Origins: The Beast (Marvel Comics) The Rising #1 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) |
August 2008: | Fallen Angel #29 (IDW) Necronomicon #1 - Cover (BOOM! Studios) |
July 2008: | Fallen Angel #28 (IDW) |
May 2008: | Fallen Angel #27 (IDW) |
April 2008: | Fallen Angel #26 (IDW) Star Trek: New Frontier #2 - Retailer Incentive Cover (IDW) |
March 2008: | Fallen Angel #25 (IDW) |
February 2008: | Fallen Angel #24 (IDW) |
January 2008: | Fallen Angel #23 (IDW) |
December 2007: | Fallen Angel #22 - 'My Super Heroine' (IDW) |
November 2007: | Fallen Angel #21 (IDW) |
September 2007: | Fallen Angel #20 (IDW) |
August 2007: | Fallen Angel #19 (IDW) |
July 2007: | Fallen Angel #18 (IDW) Negative Burn #12 |
June 2007: | Fallen Angel #17 - Retailer Incentive Cover (IDW) |
May 2007: | Fallen Angel #16 - Retailer Incentive Cover (IDW) Salvador (2007) #1 |
April 2007: | Fallen Angel #15 - Retailer Incentive Cover (IDW) |
March 2007: | Fallen Angel #14 (IDW) |
February 2007: | Fallen Angel #13 (IDW) |
January 2007: | Fallen Angel #12 (IDW) |
November 2006: | Fallen Angel #11 (IDW) |
October 2006: | Fallen Angel #10 - 'A Sad Song for Jerry May' (IDW) |
September 2006: | Fallen Angel #9 (IDW) |
August 2006: | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Dying in the Gutters #1 - Cover (IDW) Fallen Angel #8 (IDW) |
July 2006: | Fallen Angel #7 (IDW) |
June 2006: | Fallen Angel #6 (IDW) |
April 2006: | Fallen Angel #5 (IDW) |
March 2006: | Fallen Angel #4 (IDW) |
February 2006: | Fallen Angel #3 - 'Day and Night' (IDW) |
January 2006: | Fallen Angel #2 (IDW) |
December 2005: | Fallen Angel #1 (IDW) |
November 2005: | CSI: NY - Bloody Murder #5 - 'Chapter Five -- Curtain Call' (IDW) |
September 2005: | CSI: NY - Bloody Murder #3 - 'Chapter Three: Creatures of the Night' (IDW) CSI: NY - Bloody Murder #4 - 'Chapter Four: Blood Tales' (IDW) |
August 2005: | CSI: NY - Bloody Murder #2 - 'Chapter Two: Where Wolf?' (IDW) Bits and Pieces #2 (Ronin Studios) |
July 2005: | CSI: NY - Bloody Murder #1 - 'Chapter One: Beast Moon' (IDW) |
May 2005: | Digital Webbing Presents #23 - 'Damage Control / Crazy Mary' (DWP) |
April 2005: | Zombie Tales #1 (BOOM! Studios) |
March 2005: | Digital Webbing Presents #21 - 'Zombie Tales' (DWP) |
July 2004: | Digital Webbing Presents #16 - 'Crazy Mary' (DWP) |
July 2004: | Mortal Coils - TPB (Caption Box) |
March 2002: | The Foot Soldiers TPB - 'Volume 2' |
November 1999: | Fly Boys #1 |
- No special notes.
- No trivia.
See Also
Work History
Official Website