Hey Kids Comics:Image Template
From Hey Kids Comics
Empty Syntax (Standard Options)
{{Image Template | License = | ImageType = | Description = | GalleryDescription = | Source = | Permission = | Issue = | Universe = | Subject1 = | Subject2 = | Subject3 = | Subject4 = | Subject5 = | CoverArtist1 = | Penciler1 = | Inker1 = | Colourist1 = | Letterer1 = | Notes = | Trivia = }}
Always Present Fields
| License = OPTIONS : Comic Cover, Comic Scene, Comic Page, Comic Single Panel, GFDL, Fair Use, Trading Card | ImageType = OPTIONS : Character, Cover Art, Fan Art, Item, Location, Map, Marvel Staff, Merchandise, Miscellaneous, Movie Posters, Movie Screenshots, Race, Site, TV Screenshots, Team, User, Trading Card, Logo, Promo Material | Description = BRIEF DESCRIPTION / SUMMARY OF IMAGE | Source = SOURCE WHERE IMAGE WAS OBTAINED. (EITHER OFFLINE OR ONLINE) | Permission = EXPRESS PERMISSION OBTAINED FOR IMAGE USE (NOT NECESSARY FOR FAIR USE) OPTIONS : Yes, No | Subject1 = CHARACTER, OBJECT, LOCATION OR PERSON IN IMAGE | Subject2 = SECOND CHARACTER, OBJECT, LOCATION OR PERSON IN IMAGE
Optional Fields
| GalleryDescription = DESCRIPTION THAT WILL BE USED WHEN USED IN DYNAMIC GALLERIES | Issue = COMIC ISSUE, IF APPLICABLE | Issue2 = SECOND COMIC ISSUE, IF APPLICABLE | Universe = UNIVERSE, IF APPLICABLE (eg. 'Earth-616'), or leave blank for photos, etc. | Medium = MEDIA USED IN IMAGE (eg. Waterlcolour, Photograph, etc or leave blank for comics) | Photographer = PHOTOGRAPHER, IF APPLICABLE | CoverArtist1 = COVER ARTIST(S), IF APPLICABLE (Up to 10) | Penciler1 = PENCILER(S), IF APPLICABLE (Up to 10) | Inker1 = INKER(S), IF APPLICABLE (Up to 10) | Colourist1 = COLOURIST(S), IF APPLICABLE (Up to 3) | Letterer1 = LETTERER(S), IF APPLICABLE (Up to 3) | Writer1 = WRITER(S), IF APPLICABLE (Up to 3) | Notes = SPECIAL NOTES | Trivia = TRIVIA
Manual Overrides
| Title = DEFAULT : PAGENAME | ImageSize = DEFAULT : 200 | ImageText = DEFAULT : PAGENAME | DescriptionHeader = DEFAULT : Description | SeeAlsoHeader = DEFAULT : See Also | NotesHeader = DEFAULT : Notes | TriviaHeader = DEFAULT : Trivia
Category Magic
This template automatically categorizes articles that use it. The following is a list of categories handled: * Always: ** Category:Images * If Defined: ** Category:{{{Issue}}}/Images ** Category:{{{Issue}}}without Issue Number/Images ** Category:{{{Universe}}}/Images ** Category:{{{Subject1}}}/Images ** Category:{{{Photographer}}}/Photographer Images ** Category:{{StaffCorrection|{{{Penciler1}}}}}/Penciler Images ** Category:{{StaffCorrection|{{{Inker1}}}}}/Inker Images ** Category:{{StaffCorrection|{{{CoverArtist1}}}}}/Cover Artist Images ** Category:{{StaffCorrection|{{{Colourist1}}}}}/Colourist Images ** Category:{{StaffCorrection|{{{Letterer1}}}}}/Letterer Images * If Not Defined: ** Category:Image Subject Needed (if {{{Subject1}}} is undefined) * If Doesn't Exist: ** None. * Special Cases: ** None.
* Current cover art types: Frame, Decade, Homage, Wrap-Around, Fold Out, Variant, Textless, Hologram, Die-Cut * GalleryDescription cannot contain any special wiki markup. * TODO : Add more license-switch logic. * TODO : Finish documenting category magic.