From Hey Kids Comics
Fluffy is a character from the EC-inspired movie Creepshow, created by Stephen King and George Romero. He appears in the segment "The Crate", which is based on an existing short story by Stephen King.
Story[edit | edit source]
Warning: This character synopsis contains spoilers.
The monster (only called "Fluffy" on-set, never in the film) is apparently from an arctic expedition in 1834 and has somehow survived in the crate since that time. He is delivered to the fictional Horlicks University by Mike Latimer, the school janitor. After calling Professor Dexter Stanley to have a look at the crate, Mike notices something is inside and is pulled into the crate by the monster and eaten, along with Dexter's grad student Charlie Gereson.
Dexter flees to the home of his friend, English professor Henry Northrup who, upon hearing of the creature from Dexter (himself in a hysterical panic), decides that the creature will provide the perfect opportunity to get rid of his alcoholic, abusive wife Wilma.
After cleaning up after the murders witnessed by Dexter, Henry lures Wilma into a trap under the ironically false pretense that Dexter had lured a young girl to the college under false pretenses and then scared her under the stairs (where the creature currently resides).
At first, the creature is unresponsive in his crate, and it appears Henry's plan has gone sour when he pushes Wilma in to no effect, but after Wilma berates him a final time, the monster finally appears and eats her.
Luring the monster back into its crate, Henry chains it up and disposes of it in a 50 foot deep lake, then returns to happily inform Dexter of the whole thing. Both friends agree to keep their secret.
However, Dexter worries the creature may escape. As Henry reassures him this is impossible, we see the monster at the bottom of the lake, breaking out of its crate.
Ghoulish Look[edit | edit source]
"Fluffy" appears to be a sasquatch-like creature with long, pointed fangs and fur all over. He growls in an ape-like manner and is known for biting his victims and then draining them of blood before eating them whole.
Differences Between The Short Story and The Movie[edit | edit source]
- The janitor is simply referred to as Mike The Janitor in the credits of the movie.
- The monster is ape-like in the movie, but described as wolverine-like in the book.
- In the book, Henry simply disposes of the creature over the lake. There is no open ending like in the movie.