Action Comics Vol 1 164
From Hey Kids Comics
Hmmph! And you call yourself a man! I'll get it myself!
- -- Lois Lane to Clark Kent
Appearing in "Superman's Hall of Trophies"Edit
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- A gang of criminals (Rocky named)
Other Characters:
- Stefan Andriessen (Explorer/Adventurer) (Single appearance)[1]
- Rubitan Company employee (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Young Mexican woman (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Cruise Ship crew (First Mate Hendricks named)
- Metropolis
- Metropolis International Airport
- Superman Museum (First appearance)
- Forest of Twisted Trees
- Alazita, Mexico
- Atlantic Ocean
- Crystal Ball
- Clark Kent's glasses
- Various mementos from past Superman adventures
- Diamond Dragon Ring (Appears in flashback and main story)
- Passenger Airplane
- Criminal's Helicopter
- Cruise Ship (Appears in flashback and main story)
Synopsis for "Superman's Hall of Trophies"Edit
As a world renowned explorer, Stefan Andriessen, arrives at Metropolis airport, he is accosted by a gang of crooks who threaten him in order to take his valise he carries which is rumored to contain ancient relics worth millions of dollars. Clark Kent, having been assigned to cover the adventurer's arrival, informs Andriessen that the crooks do not actually have any weapons and to not turn over the case. Clark worries about his slip up by his knowing they didn't carry any weapons, which he could only have known if he had X-ray vision. Before anyone has a chance to put that information together, more crooks, who do in fact have guns, show up in a helicopter to finish up the robbery. Clark slips off & changes to Superman who quickly defeats the entire gang by creating a crystal ball and blinding the crooks. Andriessen, afterwards, seems befuddled as reporters barrage him with questions, to which he gives no answers. Later, it is reported that Andriessen is embarking on a new adventure. Though many reporters show up, he says that he will only speak with Clark Kent. Andriessen surprises Clark by asking for his autograph, but then Andriessen squirts ink on Clark's face. Andriessen takes Clark's glasses to clean them. Days later, Clark realizes that his glasses are more snug than normal and begins to suspect that Andriessen may have switched glasses with him. He uses his x-ray and telescopic vision to check on Andriessen. He scans Andriessen's residence and discovers that the explorer has a vast number of memorabilia from Superman's exploits, including the glasses he took from him and the crystal ball he had created to defend Andriessen from the crooks just days earlier. He also notices that the crystal ball also contained one of Clark Kent's business cards that got mingled with the sand he had used to mold it. Thinking that Andriessen must be now trying to prove Clark Kent is Superman, he begins to fly about the Earth getting rid of any evidence that could be used to link him with Clark Kent. After he finishes, he later discovers that Andriessen was not trying to prove Superman's identity, but, rather he was collecting the items as artifacts for a brand new Superman Museum. Lois Lane notices some discrepancies in the mementos and declares that she believes them to be forgeries. Clark realizes he must convince Lois that there are sufficient explanations to account for the inconsistencies and as Superman he helps her out in a manner that makes her understand there could be a reasonable means for the details in question and she recants her objections to the items and the Museum is opened successfully.
Appearing in "The Ape Man of Borneo"Edit
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Col. Devers
- Harvey Jenkins (Ape-Man of Borneo)
Other Characters:
- Mrs. Jenkins (Harvey's wife)
- Jenkins children
Synopsis for "The Ape Man of Borneo"Edit
Congo Bill is asked by a woman to search for her husband, Harvey, who was lost in Africa seven years previous. He accepts the challenge and finds the man, who now believes himself to be more ape than man. He refuses to return and Congo Bill realizes that Harvey actually believes he is an ape-man and that if he were to return he would just be put in a mental institution and the man's family would no longer be able to live on the death insurance they are currently living on. Congo Bill decides to leave the man there will he will be happy and returns to the ape-man's former family and tells them that Harvey is dead.
Appearing in "The Interplanetary Pet Show"Edit
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Various Galactic animals & their owners
- Venusopolis, Venus
- Various Spacecraft
Synopsis for "The Interplanetary Pet Show"Edit
Tommy is asked to judge a interplanetary pet show and then has to track down a Sacred Pearl which was to be used as a trophy when it turns up missing.
Appearing in "The Vigilante vs. the Prairie Troubadour"Edit
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Synopsis for "The Vigilante vs. the Prairie Troubadour"Edit
- Synopsis not yet written.
"Superman's Hall of Trophies" is reprinted in Superman #187.
- No trivia.
See Also[edit source]
- Discuss Action Comics Vol 1 164 on the forums
- Cover gallery for the Action Comics series
- Images from Action Comics Vol 1 164
Recommended ReadingEdit
- None.
Links and ReferencesEdit
- None.
- ↑ First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks
- Comics
- Week 48, 1951
- 1952
- 1952, January
- Golden-Age
- Original Price 0.10
- Comics Published in USA
- Action Comics Vol 1
- DC Comics
- National Comics Publications, Inc.
- Superman DC National Comics
- Winslow Mortimer/Cover Artist
- William Woolfolk/Writer
- Wayne Boring/Penciler
- Stan Kaye/Inker
- Mort Weisinger/Editor
- Jack Miller/Writer
- Edwin J. Smalle, Jr./Penciler
- Edwin J. Smalle, Jr./Inker
- Curt Swan/Penciler
- John Fischetti/Inker
- Bob Brown/Penciler
- Bob Brown/Inker
- W:C:DC:Lois Lane (Earth-Two)/Quotes
- Kal-L (Earth-Two)/Appearances
- W:C:DC:Lois Lane (Earth-Two)/Appearances
- Perry White (Earth-Two)/Appearances
- Metropolis/Appearances
- Metropolis International Airport/Appearances
- Superman Museum/Appearances
- Mexico/Appearances
- Atlantic Ocean/Appearances
- William Glenmorgan (New Earth)/Appearances
- Myanmar/Appearances
- London/Appearances
- Thomas Tomorrow (Earth-One)/Appearances
- Brent Wood (Earth-One)/Appearances
- Venus (Planet)/Appearances
- Gregory Sanders (Earth-Two)/Appearances
- Daniel Leong (New Earth)/Appearances
- Editor-in-Chief Credit Needed
- Colourist Credit Needed
- Letterer Credit Needed
- Synopsis Written
- Notes Written