Zero Girl

From Hey Kids Comics

Zero Girl trade paperback cover

Zero Girl is a five-issue comic book written and illustrated by Sam Kieth, published by Homage Comics.

The plot concerns high school student Amy Smootster, and her attempts to start a relationship with her guidance counselor Tim. Another plot thread follows her relationship with circles and squares---it seems that circular objects tend to help or defend her, while squares try to hurt her. All of this has something to do with her feet producing copious but never-defined fluid when she feels shame.

There was a five-issue follow-up story, set fifteen years later, called Zero Girl: Full Circle, which put Amy and Tim in the background and focused on Tim's daughter, Nikki.

Allusions[edit | edit source]

This work contains one reference to Kieth's most famous work, The Maxx: Tim describes that he bought his yellow bug from "that chick named Julie" (a character in The Maxx). When Amy asks for clarification, Tim replies "that's another story."

Editions[edit | edit source]

Both of the series have been collected into trade paperbacks.

  • Zero Girl, ISBN 1-56389-851-9
  • Zero Girl: Full Circle, ISBN 1-4012-0170-9

External links[edit | edit source]