Weird Fantasy Vol 1 9

From Hey Kids Comics

Appearing in "Spawn of Mars"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Spawn of Mars"Edit

A slimy tentacled bug-eyed Martian gets the hots for an Earth chick who lands on a rocket and kills one of the male crew members so that he can hypnotize the rest into thinking he looks human and can return to Earth with the girl. They get married and he fesses up. She tells him that she doesn't care what he looks like and he is happy but she really thinks he is delusional. They get into a car wreck and when she regains consciousness she sees his true form lying next to her and screams. She crawls away as the car explodes and burns up the Martian's body. She passes out and when she wakes up she is in the hospital. The nurse tells her she is expecting a baby.

Appearing in "The Duplicates"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Duplicates"Edit

  • Synopsis not yet written.

    Appearing in "The Connection"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Connection"Edit

  • Synopsis not yet written.

    Appearing in "A Mistake In Multiplication"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "A Mistake In Multiplication"Edit

  • Synopsis not yet written.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also[edit source]

  • None.

  • None.
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