Shock SuspenStories Vol 1 7

From Hey Kids Comics

Appearing in "Beauty and the Beach!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Beauty and the Beach!"Edit

Two men are frustrated by the vanity of their attractive wives. The one encases his wife in plastic wearing her bathing suit and the other broils his wife under forty sun lamps.

Appearing in "The Bribe!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Bribe!"Edit

A fire inspector commits suicide when a fire breaks out in a night club where he took a bribe to overlook code violations. He thinks his daughter was killed in the fire with the other patrons because of a photo taken of her earlier that evening, but what he doesn't know is that she and her fiance have eloped and didn't stay for the show.

Appearing in "Infiltration"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Infiltration"Edit

This story postulates that a small government agency responsible for ferreting out Martian infiltrators is completely infested with Martian infiltrators except for a sole human whom they gun down.

Appearing in "The Small Assassin!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Small Assassin!"Edit

A mother is paranoid that her newborn baby is attempting to kill her. She's right.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also[edit source]

  • None.

  • None.
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