Shock SuspenStories Vol 1 6

From Hey Kids Comics

Appearing in "Dead Right!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Dead Right!"Edit

A fortune teller predicts to a woman that a man who wants to marry her, but she finds repulsive, is going to inherit twenty-five thousand dollars and die shortly afterward so she marries him. What the fortune teller doesn't tell her is that she wins the twenty-five thousand dollars as a prize, and when she tries to walk out on the slob, he murders her and inherits her money then dies in the electric chair.

Appearing in "Under Cover!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Under Cover!"Edit

A reporter is a witness to the K.K.K. murder a young woman by flogging for consorting with blacks. The Grand Dragon removes his hood to make sure she's dead. The reporter makes a sound and the hooded men catch up with him. They give him a solid beating, but he denies seeing anyone's face because he knows they'll kill him if they suspect. He comes to in what looks like a hospital room. Two men who claim to be F.B.I. and a doctor are present. They ask him why he was beaten by the hooded men. He tells them he can identify their leader. The Grand Dragon steps out from behind a screen and says "That's all I wanted to know." The fake F.B.I. men and the doctor empty their revolvers into the reporter.

Appearing in "Not So Tough!"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Not So Tough!"Edit

A space commander who is as tough as nails on his crew is reduced to soft putty in the grip of a large gravitational force.

Appearing in "Sugar N' Spice N'"Edit

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Sugar N' Spice N'"Edit

A contemporary retelling of "Hansel and Gretel"


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  • No trivia.

See Also[edit source]

  • None.

  • None.
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